Endorsements for "The Dying Teach Us How To Live"

Artwork from the Heart

One of our alumni, Patricia M. Acker MS, LSW, has written a book called The Dying Teach Us How to Live. As a former hospice social worker, Patricia has shared several experiences with the dying in this wonderful book (as well as her lovely paintings). ...As someone who has read the book, I can state that I found it quite comforting to read. Thanks for your time, everyone.
Sally DeThomas
Senior Lecturer
Professional Writing Internship Coordinator
English Department
Wright State University
Too often, end of life issues involve a myriad of questions followed by confusion left unanswered. Author, Pat Acker captures this incredibly personal journey through the eyes of a hospice social worker, her patients and families. This book reminds the reader that they need never be alone when end of life calls us…that there is always the shoulder of mankind upon which our grief-stricken hearts may rest. Blessed be those who have experienced a lifetime of love and trust in the support of hospice workers.
Lauren S. Baer, MSW. LSW
Hospice Social Worker /Supervisor
Dayton, OH
The meaningful stories of those who face end-of-life issues are rendered with compassion and insight in this book by Pat Acker. Each story is told pointedly and briefly, reflecting upon the ways God provides solace for those in need. Since I have been a caregiver for my husband and my parents, these stories have sustained me during stressful times, for each story provides a calm guide that quiets such stress and helps strengthen the resolve needed to deal with challenges.
Lynne Hodge
Retired English teacher and caregiver for husband and parents
Columbus, OH
A hospice social worker’s journey through the death of her patients and the lessons it taught her—the message is a deeper understanding of God’s love. The stories are a gift to those who take this journey with her—a must read.
Jan Hauser LSW, CCVS
Charlotte, North Carolina
Seeing my role as a caregiver through the eyes of the author was truly a healing experience for me. “The Dying Teach Us How To Live” gifts the reader with a whole new perspective—shifting the feeling of burden to one of privilege. The stories shared by the author, are an insightful, caring account of her first hand experience with real people in real situations, facing the daunting tasks of care for, and enduring the imminent death of a loved one. In these stories everyone wins, having paid the price and walked the walk, the ultimate gift is one of peace and love for everyone concerned.
Joanie Fink
Caregiver for her husband
Dayton, OH
“The Dying Teach Us How To Live” enabled me to feel peaceful and uplifted in my life and through my work as a nurses’ aid. After reading and thinking about each story including near death experiences and angels, I was eager to go to the next one. I loved God’s individuality as He chose to give the patients, family and friends what they needed.
Christine King, CNA
Jackpot, Nevada